Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals


The scientific teams willing to participate in the data exploitation of the MICROSCOPE mission are invited to express their scientific motivation by responding to the present call for proposals. The present call for proposals is opened to qualified scientists affiliated to institutions from ESA member states or abroad, willing to participate in the scientific analysis of MICROSCOPE data. Those who have last year performed an answer to the call for ideas are welcome to assess their idea by a proposal. Other proposers are also accepted. SWG will analyse the proposals for selection and may ask for joining another team according to the proposed subject.

Interested scientists are invited to submit their proposal before the end of September.

More details included in the file Microscope Call for Proposals.

Proposers are invited to use this template: PDF, RTF, DOC, ODT

More information about the MICROSCOPE mission and the science management can be found in the following documents:

The responses will be discussed within the MICROSCOPE Science Working Group (SWG) and scientific committee of the colloquium. Proposals will be presented by the proposers to the scientific community during the fourth Microscope colloquium. After discussion during the colloquium and consultation with the mission team, the SWG will select the proposals. This could allow a privileged access to some mission data according to the MICROSCOPE science cooperation rules.

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