The MICROSCOPE Science Working Group (SWG)
Members of the Microscope Science Working Group
- Pierre Touboul (PI), ONERA
- Gilles Metris (co-PI), Géoazur / Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur - CNRS
- Claus Lämmerzahl (co-I), University of Bremen
- Hansjörg Dittus (co-I), DLR
- Thibault Damour (General Relativity and Gravitation), IHES
- Pierre Fayet (Fundamental Interactions), Laboratoire de Physique Théorique / École Normale Supérieure
- Serge Reynaud (Interdisciplinary Physic), Laboratoire Kastler Brossel / UPMC, ENS, CNRS, CdF
- Isabelle Panet (Earth gravity field), IGN - LAREG
- Pieter Visser (Aeronomy), Delft University of Technology
- Timothy Sumner (Space experiments), Imperial College of London